Diana Couture

February 27, 2022 at 12:00 a.m. | Updated March 7, 2022 at 12:00 a.m.
Diana Couture, author of "The ongoing life-affirming adventures of Rose and Dawn" at one of her family's traditional Italian dinners... note the hopeful chihuahua.
Diana Couture, author of "The ongoing life-affirming adventures of Rose and Dawn" at one of her family's traditional Italian dinners... note the hopeful chihuahua.

...by ...by Diana Couture

This short bio of Diana Couture was written by then-intern Nicole Martinson and is followed by Diana's most recent Rose and Dawn column...

The Ongoing Life-Affirming Adventures of Rose and Dawn was inspired by Diana Couture’s aunt and her aunt’s best friend. This colorful column was born when she set about telling these dear octogenarians’ true-life experiences. Diana's entertaining Italian family continues to inspire her to write; the stories literally come from what happens to Diana, her friends and family. She loves the reward of seeing words from her head in print. Reading is a passion of Diana’s, especially Sherlock Holmes. She is a member of a Sherlock Holmes society in Seattle called “The Sound of the Baskervilles.” Diana worked in public relations and advertising with a major communications company for most of her career. For the last 10 years she has worked as a shipping manager for a steel factory. “I love American business. It fascinates me every day.” Though she is not yet an octogenarian like Rose and Dawn, she says she thinks like one, “And I think that's a great way to think.” Diana lives in a mother-in-law apartment with her daughter and family. “My six-year-old grandson makes my day when he comes to my apartment just to say good morning and give me a kiss to start the day.”

Let's Make Some Joy Today
The ongoing life-affirming adventures of Rose and Dawn


Rose was puttering in her kitchen listening to the radio. She liked the Christian station because the music made her feel good. And no one yelled while trying to sell their product via the radio. Advertisements were such a nuisance. 

The dishes were done and the tea pot was on. She decided to call Dawn to see what she was doing. Dawn answered the phone with a delighted lilt to her voice, “How nice to hear from you, Rose. I was just thinking about you.” “You were? Why?” puzzled Rose. “We just talked a few hours ago.” “I know, I know,” Dawn excitedly said, “but since then I read an article about a woman in Australia who lectures about bringing joy to people in our everyday lives. I want to do that, Rose. What do you think?” 

Being a little more confused than when the conversation began, Rose decided to do some fact-finding. “Well, who is this woman and how does she propose we bring joy to people?” 

Dawn rattled off a name and said she’d been reading about this ‘Joy bringer’ and then went on to the YouTube and watched some of her inspirational speeches. “You’ve got to come over and watch with me Rose. I think we can both learn something. Can you come over now? I’m really excited about this.” 

“Boy, I guess you ARE excited about this. Well, let me turn off the kettle and head over. I’ve got to see what’s got you all fired up. See you in a few. Do you want me to bring some pastries? They always bring me joy.” The girls both laughed at this and decided pastries would be just the thing for this afternoon’s adventure into joy. 

The computer was open to the inspirational speaking of Amanda Gore. The girls sat down with their mugs of tea and scones and listened in awe to the animated and fast-paced ravings of this lovely woman. “Do something today that your future self will thank you for,” she suggested. She went on to explain that we must be joyful ourselves in order to bring joy to others. And then she gave tips on how to bring joy into your life. 

“Gratitude is the single most powerful tool to change your world.” These were words that Rose and Dawn could really sink their teeth into. Both of them worked on these tenets on a daily basis, but had never seen their ideas ‘fleshed out’ to this extent before…to the extent that they could directly and positively affect others. What a concept! 

Both women were watching and listening with intensity. The words were a balm to troubled spirits. Even though Rose and Dawn were far from troubled, they certainly knew people who were. Ms. Gore went on to say, “One of life’s greatest lessons is to stop judging and start having compassion for yourself and others.” Another life lesson that the girls worked on every day. 

They watched a few of the speeches on YouTube and then stopped to look at each other. What a pleasure it was to listen to Amanda Gore. It was, dare we say…’joyful.’ 

“We can do this, Dawnie. We can be the bringers of joy just by living our lives in the kind and non-judgmental way we have been trying to do for years. And passing our joy on to others less fortunate in the joy area.” Dawn smiled. “I knew you’d like her, Rose. And yes. Let’s start making a daily effort to bring small joys to the people in our lives. Let’s be like Amanda said, ‘The reason someone smiles today.’” 

Just then Dawn’s great-granddaughter Madeline came down the steps to her apartment. “Hi GiGi, you certainly look happy today. And so do you, Auntie Rose. Seeing you like this makes me want to smile.” 

“HA!” Rose shouted, “It’s working already. We’re bringing joy to others!” Dawn explained to Madeline what they had been watching and Madeline nodded. “Well, good for you guys. And I think it’s working too. As a matter of fact, I see those scones on the counter and they’re making me feel joyous.” Everyone laughed at this and Maddy left with a fresh scone and a giggle. 

Dawn cleared away the dishes and set out the cribbage board. “I don’t know about you, Rose, but all this joy bringing is making me want to rest and play cards.

There really is an Amanda Gore. For more information go to Amandagore.com. 

Attention Rose and Dawn fans: Diana Couture has started reading her stories at senior communities. Stay tuned... 
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