“Rose, Rose, did you hear about Robert?” Dawn asked with a gasp
BY DIANA COUTURE | January 6, 2025 at 4:01 p.m.

The Really, Really Slow Jogger

If you eat exactly the same foods and do exactly the same activities, you’ll still gain one-and-a-half pounds every year

Dancing at the Northeast Improvement Club

I was 15. My older sister convinced Mom and Dad that, being a neighborhood place, I could go there with her and learn to dance

A Week Without Joy

“It’s not that I don’t want you to join me…” she began, “but don’t you think it would be good for our relationship to spend a little time apart?”

RESOLUTIONS: Thoughts on Finishing

Do you have a project looming over you that seems impossible to bring to closure?

Now and Then

She’s one of the few people in town who will tolerate old people and shut ins... she seems to relish it


...a strange looking creature darted into the room. It erratically zipped around my feet in a frenzied attack and retreat manner

The 12 Dogs of Christmas

This Christmas story begins on a cold October night many long years ago

Christmas Surprise: The Farmers’ Pounding Party

When Dad opened the door, a chorus boomed from a porch full of people. “Surprise! We’re giving your family a pounding party."

Our Christmas Stocking Tradition

My job of wrapping each piece with the waxed paper squares was always a cherished privilege

Finding Home

...we finally had the opportunity to choose a city because we wanted to, not because of an assignment or a job

Dorothea Nordstrand Remembers Ice Skating on Green Lake in 1930

​Someone drove an automobile straight across Green Lake on the ice from beach to beach and back again

birth Day-date

My current old-old age is disbelief and time is measured now in days not years

Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door

I’ve been wondering who of my deceased friends, loved ones, and relatives would greet me in that tunnel


Every morning, I pluck my hearing aids, iPhone and laptop from their respective charging stations