Happy Father's Day

June 10, 2024 at 9:49 a.m.
The author's father, Ralph Putnam
The author's father, Ralph Putnam

...by Pat D'Amico

My dad was born in Medicine Hat, Alberta. His family arrived in Chilliwack, B.C. in the early 1900’s. He was the only one to move on to the United States and was proud to be an American citizen. He was a “hardware man,” the guy who could always find the exact tool the customer was looking for at Morse Hardware in Bellingham.

Father’s Day brings back many memories of my dad, a true gentleman in every sense of the word. One gift, when I was very young, will live on in infamy:


I have a surprise for my daddy:

I have painted his workshop green—

The floor, the wall and the window

And everything else in between.

His tools are all the same color—

His hammers, and chisels and saws.

Buster, my dog, was my helper

And Buster has pretty green paws.

I’m hoping that Dad will be happy--

Maybe I should have used pink.

Oh well, pretty soon he will be here.

I’m wondering: What do you think?


“You’re just like your father,” she used to say.

I took it as a plus

Because we dearly loved him

And he gave his all for us.

My dad’s been gone for many years

But I hope that he can see

The seeds he sowed and tended

Have grown into a tree.

So, if ill winds beset me

On some misbegotten day,

My roots are firmly planted

And I won’t be blown away.

This photo of Pat D’Amico, longtime contributor to Northwest Prime Time, was taken the day of her 70th high school reunion. “I kept my mom’s house in Bellingham and the renters are wonderful. My daughter snapped the picture while I was looking around with great pleasure,” says Pat 


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