Russ Gerber

Russ Gerber

Does religion have an image problem?

Despite an anti-religion sentiment held by some, could a greater appreciation of spiritual discoveries and values be taking place?

Good faith

Has your faith ever made a U-turn? This writer's faith re-examination resulted in the end of periodic migraine headaches.

First impressions: a roadmap or a roadblock?

Don't let limiting labels or discouraging first impressions ever become a thought model you adopt as your own. Such dispiriting concepts can act as mental roadblocks from seeing extraordinary possibilities and empowering a full, healthy, productive life!

Health and Longevity: Chalk Them Up to Mind

Mind researchers are asking big questions about the human mind, including its relation to longevity, to health, even to physics. Current day physics can’t explain much of the dominating evidence that mind influences the body. Is age nothing but a mind-set?

Instant gratification, instant fear

In an age when we’re increasingly tempted by instant gratification and instant fear, remember that self-control can also be exercised in an instant, and with benefits that gratify, bring calm, and go on and on.

You yearn for progress in your life. Now what?

Has prayer ever left you feeling uninspired or alone? As this writer's experience shows, more may be going on below the surface than is readily apparent.

So you want to grow? Crave self-knowledge

Can self-knowledge lead us to a happier and healthier life? Read how a successful businessman once provided an inspiring example of living a life of grace and personal growth.

Attention Trend Spotters: Dematerialization Is On the Rise

How long did Western medicine think strictly in materialistic terms, treating the physical body as separate from the mind? That model has been dematerialized somewhat and we now think of mind and body as a unit. Today mind-body programs are found throughout prestigious medical schools.

Summertime Is Coming, and the Livin' Should Be Leisurely

To get the most out of your leisure time, consider the healthful insights of philosopher Joseph Pieper in his now-classic essay, "Leisure, the Basis of Culture."

A Healthy Shake-Up in Health Care

It doesn't take yet another academic study to validate what mainstream folks intuit and find every day, that a commitment to spirituality is beneficial to their health.

Boomers are asking: What’s Next?

Picture 79-million baby-boomers all with the same basic question on their mind— what’s coming in the afterlife? Perhaps a better question may be: What's here, now? Answers to life's deepest questions may be closer than you think.

Healthier Living: Will Innovative Technology Lead the way?

For those striving to have healthier outcomes and live healthier lives, there's a need for better thinking. It's worth cultivating a healthy mentality—whether through regular time for prayer, contemplation, spiritual study, or all of the above—in order to experience the health-promoting effect of spiritual ideas.

Great Expectations: Re-framing How We Think About Health

It's not just what you think, but what you expect that impacts your health. Not everyone agrees on the pivotal role of consciousness in health, or on what benefits prayer can bring to bear on one’s mental state. Expectations for real improvement can range from dismally low to sky high. But if it’s true that we get what we expect, maybe it’s time to raise our expectations.