“Start small,” suggests dos Santos. Start with a device you already have or know a bit about

Are You at Risk for Kidney Disease?

Anyone who has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems or has a family history of the disease is at increased risk for chronic kidney disease

Does Anyone Have a Fainting Couch? What seniors should know about fainting

Dr. Elijah Behr is with the Mayo Clinic and he said there are several things to know about fainting

Finding Balance with Gambling in Your 50s and Beyond

Understanding the gambling landscape after age 50

How to Choose and Use a Home Blood Pressure Monitor

The top five automatic arm monitors as recommended by Consumer Reports for 2025 are...

Walking Away from Sleep Problems and Dementia

A new study shows that adults age 50 and older who get moderate to vigorous physical activity may be less likely to develop dementia, stroke, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders

Service Dogs Can Help Seniors with Disabilities

For people with disabilities and even medical conditions, service dogs can be fantastic help

Potential Health Benefits with Standard Time all Year Round

The group contends abolishing seasonal time changes and adopting permanent standard time follows science and prioritizes public health, safety, and efficiency

Medical Minutes

This month's Medical Minutes looks at at-home urine test for prostate cancer; the MIND diet for brain health; the connection between blood pressure and brain health

How Much Do You Have to Make to File Taxes in 2025?

My earned income stopped when I retired last March, so I’m wondering if I need to file a tax return this year

Driving with Dementia and Knowing When to Stop

Watch for the warning signs... Transition tips... Time to quit

How to Help a Hoarding Parent

"My dad has always been a pack rat, but since mom died a few years ago he’s become more of a hoarder. The clutter in his house has gotten out of control"

How Long to Keep Tax Records and Other Documents

I'm recently retired. Is there a rule of thumb on how long someone should keep their old financial paperwork?

Why Some People Cry a River

Everyone cries. Some of our tears are meant to keep our eyes moist and healthy.

Locally Founded Exercise Program Shares Legacy and New Research at Aging Conference

Over three decades ago, the UW partnered with a local senior center to start what would eventually become EnhanceFitness