It only takes one. One risk, one hello, one smile, to change a life.
BY WENDY PENDER | September 29, 2024 at 3:45 p.m.

Cat Nap

“Dick, I know that the snoring is not intentional. But it has some devastating effects on our health and well-being. What are we going to do about it?”

Splitting the Bill

There's one social and cultural consequence of this financial downturn that hasn’t been reported yet

Growing Old

Growing old is not for the faint of heart

words don’t define

I’ve left a footprint with each step of my life, and I can smile about that impression.

Grandma's Charm

As I reflect upon days gone by, And the many people I’ve known

Daddy's Way with Words

One wonderful Friday, when I was 13, he decided the time had come

Sunday Services and Sandwiches

He looked at the girls with a friendly, welcoming smile. “Good morning, ladies..."


Pretty soon, I’m counting my “ta-dah’s!” instead, feeling lighter and more successful

Siren Call

Just imagine the joy in the heart of a young man at the wheel of a police car, alone, late at night on a long straight stretch of road

Life of Bessie - Part I

She was unabashedly curious, wonderfully fearless, loved deeply and was deeply loved. This multi-part blog series (courtesy of Washington State Parks) will explore her life in Western Washington from the turn of the 20th century through the great wars and into the 1970s


Glow in the dark’ nail polish,” the waitress in her twenties wiggled her hands as I admired the sparkles

Dealing with Anger

Waitresses call me “hon” or “dear” and flirt with me because they know I’m completely harmless

Pillow Talk for the 77-Year-Old

The hiccapop bed rail is a five-foot-long cylindrical pillow

The Pfisters: Founders of my Seattle family

All their lives, they cared for each other. Through good times and bad, their affection was unchanging