These are Autumn's children, my kind of people
BY RALPH D. WARNER | September 23, 2023 at 7:21 a.m.


With Apologies to Edgar Allen Poe, Dr. Seuss and Mother Goose

Light verse is my absolute favorite because it’s just pure fun and it keeps my old brain cooking


Ruminations on Friendship

Friendships were forged by a shared insecurity, craziness, newness, or an unanticipated experience

Trouble Brewing

I don't remember the last time I cleaned out the fridge in our basement


Sewing Together

My mother showed me yarn, insertion of thread into the eye of a metal needle, and a personal handwork-journey was starting


Waitresses call me “hon” or “dear” and flirt with me because they know I’m completely harmless

A Streetcar Accident and Hardtimes

Dorothea recalls when her father was injured in a serious streetcar accident that left him unable to work during the hard times in 1920 Seattle


The Old Swimming Hole: Burke Idaho

...there was no charge to use the pool and, at least when I was a kid, there was always a lifeguard on duty


Of Scrabble and Wooden Chairs

A needle had been inserted into grandson Kevin’s vein... I pulled up a hard wooden chair

A Hex on the Hacker

Here’s what I think about the fraudsters, scammers and hackers lying in wait in my computer

Zip Code Turns 60!

The Zip Code was launched 60 years ago this month as part of a program of improvements to increase postal delivery speed


Give Kayaking a Try

Two years ago, I noticed a 10-foot kayak for sale and on a whim decided to give it a try

My Hair Looks Awful

“Wait a minute,” Rose thought as she looked more closely at her scalp in the mirror

Good Music, Getting Older, Getting Better

Your teenage self, and all the versions that evolved between then and now, standing in a tight circle inside your heart

Curiosity Kept

The first time I witnessed this meteorite shower I was 14 years old, full of half-conceived notions and waiting for something big to happen