When the pole was dismantled, he would stroll down, meet Dad at the water's edge, and they would walk companionably home together, side-by-side as fishing buddies should.

March 27, 2024 at 6:45 p.m.

Money, Lies, Drapes and Nazis

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve changed my attitude towards money – okay I’ve become cheaper


Elderly Exercise

I know that if I walked a mile every day, my corpuscles would dance through my bloodstream. I am not sedentary but...

Small Jewel in Poulsbo Getting Some Big Talk

Kitsap County has a very active and vibrant theater community and the word has gotten out

We're Going to Sin City

While the girls were laughing, Rose told Dawn that she had a ‘radical’ idea

Another Bartell's Story

Dorie May's job at Bartell's earned her the money to purchase a lifetime subscription to Readers Digest for $25. It arrived faithfully every month for more than 77 years.

The Verse By the Side of the Road

One after another, they told a little upbeat story, all with the punch line “Burma-Shave”

Burma Shave

I read it to my son, a savvy 60-year-old, and he said, "What's Burma Shave?"

7424 East Greenlake Way

Daddy wanted a place for a workbench and his tools, so he hand-dug a full basement under the house

Snuggles Disappears!

I was fortunate enough to be included in the monumental move, accompanied by my six-year-old Ragdoll cat, Snuggles


At any rate, I figured if cryogenics was good enough for Ted, it was worth looking into

Misunderstood Lyrics

“Oh my gosh. Did I ever tell you about my older sister and me and that song?”

Paying It Forward

I had heard the concept of paying it forward before, but until I personally experienced it in action it was merely an abstract concept

My Run in With the FBI

My grandchildren will never believe that I was once tracked down by the FBI


Playing Cowboys and Indians, 1921 Seattle

"Dandy was a Cayuse Indian pony, and the cleverest horse I ever saw. I think Arthur and Bunny should be on Indian ponies today.”