January 12, 2014
Northwest authors Jennifer Y. Levy-Peck, PhD, a psychologist and her husband Charles Peck, had to explore introvert/extrovert differences in their own relationship. You can participate in the creation of their book "Magic at Midlife: Your Relationship Roadmap for Romance After 40" (and enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card) by sharing your experiences in a survey: www.surveymonkey.com/s/MidlifeRelationships.
Stories this photo appears in:

Tending Your Relationship As You Tend to Aging Parents
Magic at Midlife: Your Relationship Roadmap for Romance After 40
As we get older, if our parents are still living, we will probably need to help care for them in some way. This can cause significant stress in relationships, particularly newer partnerships that have begun in midlife.