Serving as a volunteer driver is a GREAT way to spend your retirement years! Make a difference in the lives of others, as well as your own.
BY HILARY CASE | September 28, 2015 at 4:55 p.m.


Pained but Positive

Like many seniors, Barbara has had her fare share of health challenges. But volunteer drivers from the Volunteer Transportation program help her feel much better!


Volunteer Drivers Needed to Calm Nerves

Fern used to have much anxiety with driving or finding transportation to get to doctors' appointments, but volunteer drivers made it all go away!


Family Volunteering: Taking it to the Roads

Her kids may not be old enough to drive, but Sara C. loves including them in the Volunteer Transportation as she takes seniors to medical appointments! Everyone gains something from her children's involvement in the program.


Small World Story: Volunteer Driver Reconnects with Long-term Family Friends

Lee became a volunteer driver six months ago after retiring from a long career in the carpet industry. Little did he know that his new role would not only introduce him to inspiring seniors, but also reconnect him with important figures in his life!


Volunteer Driver Receives Distinguished Honor

Volunteer driver, Syd Darlington, recently received a 2015 Washington State Governor's Award for Volunteerism.


An Unexpected Ride with a Relative

A volunteer driver and a 96-year-old Volunteer Transportation client headed off for a ride and discovered a very special connection.


Farm Work to City Life

Rose Braun, a regular Volunteer Transportation client, has fascinating stories about her youth growing up on a farm in North Dakota with her 14 siblings.


Kindness and Resilience amidst Adversity

Wasyl has endured much suffering and hardship as a Ukrainian and survivor of forced labor camps, but his current life in Seattle is looking much brighter-- thanks to the assistance of volunteer drivers.


Honoring a Legacy of Volunteer Driving

Deeon Kuspert has served as a volunteer driver for over 30 years, touching many lives along the way.


Volunteer Transportation Helps Senior Adjust and Adapt to New Life

Audrey had a difficult transition when she moved to Redmond from Kansas three years ago at age 79, yet volunteer drivers helped her to feel like herself again.


Hyde Shuttles Keep Student on the Go

The Hyde Shuttles provide transportation to King County seniors and residents with disabilities. Olivia Williams is a regular passenger who has big aspirations, and the transportation provided by the shuttles (and their volunteer drivers) will help her achieve them.


Volunteer Transportation Helps Local Writer Fight Vision Loss

In one of life's unfair ironies, local author Marie Trotignon developed macular degeneration. But, with the help of the Volunteer Transportation program, she is determined to reading, writing, and dancing in life's storms.


Volunteer Driver Preserves Art of Letter Writing

Shari Hanbey, a volunteer driver for Senior Services, writes over 300 hand-written letters per year!


Tackling Hard Issues: A Volunteer Transportation Client Profile

Mary Shadrick has always been a full participant in life. Her go-getter attitude has led her to many endeavors and activities, including the Volunteer Transportation program.