Experience in Action

January 28, 2025 at 8:40 a.m.

...by Michelle Roedell, Editor, Northwest Prime Time

I enjoyed reading the latest Experience in Action newsletter, which is all about RSVP (the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program). The edition focused on celebrating 50 years of service by Solid Ground, which sponsors RSVP. 

I learned that RSVP's legacy includes 28,045 hours of service by 6,425 volunteers to 150 partner organizations. RSVP volunteers support the community in any number of ways, from helping students succeed, to putting in time at the food bank, to supporting elders so they can remain independent, to helping others navigate Medicare and their healthcare options. Volunteers' willingness to donate their time and skills have been worth millions of dollars to the broader community. A common refrain from the volunteers is that they receive more out of volunteering than they give. 

According to Megan Wildhood, RSVP Coordinator, the program began when a group of government agencies and private organizations came together to create opportunities for community engagement among seniors. The next step was Congress amending the Older Americans Act to make legal provision for RSVP to become a national program in 1969. RSVP officially launched in 1971 and grew rapidly. By 1974 there were nearly 670 RSVP projects across the country. The program remains strong to this day. 

For more information about volunteering with the RSVP program in King County, visit www.solid-ground.org/rsvp. For other Washington County RSVP programs, visit https://servewashington.wa.gov/programs/americorps-seniors/retired-senior-volunteer-program

Click the following link for a list of Community and Volunteer Opportunities through RSVP 

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