My friend and neighbor is a retired naval officer who flew an A6 Intruder jet off of the aircraft carrier, John F. Kennedy in the early 1970s. Given his background, one might rightfully assume that he is a whizz at all things mechanical and technical. He and his wife have always enjoyed watching the Top Gun movies because of the exciting scenes in the air as well as the humor and drama associated with Maverick and his fellow pilots.
One day, we were discussing the movies and I admitted that I had never seen either of them. They own both movies on DVD and offered to lend them to me. He volunteered to hook up my old DVD player to my new TV. He and his wife came over one afternoon and he accomplished the mission.
They brought the old Top Gun movie as well as the one that was recently released. We planned to test the hook-up with movie number one. It worked perfectly and we watched most of the movie together. I couldn’t help but note the grin on his face during the intense flying scenes and sure enough, he was in the cockpit with Tom Cruise.
A few days later I watched the most recent movie and was amazed at how little Tom Cruise has aged over the years. This thought popped into my head:
There’s a picture in his closet
And I think it is the way
That our old friend, Dorian,
Keeps from turning gray.
Pat D'Amico of Kirkland is a frequent contributor to Northwest Prime Time