Drink Your Nutrients Hot & Cold
February 4, 2025 at 7:42 a.m.
Spice Chai
This phytochemical rich tea is a nice digestive after a heavy meal. It also makes a great gift: buy individual tea filters, available from Mountain Rose Herbs and specialty grocers, to hand-fill and tie with a ribbon for a pretty present.
10 cinnamon sticks
5 tablespoons whole cardamom pods
5 tablespoons dried rosehips
5 tablespoons fennel seeds
3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon dried ginger
5 teaspoons whole cloves
Break cinnamon sticks into at least four pieces with a mallet or back of a heavy spoon. Use the same tool or a mortar and pestle to break open the cardamom pods to expose their seeds.
Mix cinnamon, cardamom seeds, and remaining spices together. Pack into 10 paper tea filters, if desired. Store loose tea or bags in an airtight container until ready to use.
To brew: Use one bag or 1 tablespoon loose tea per cup. Steep in hot water, covered, at least 10 minutes before consuming.
Enjoy as is or add warmed milk
Preparation Time:
15 minutes
Makes 10 mugs of tea
Copyright 2013, A. Bermann, Original recipe
Classic “Spa” Water
Infused water can make drinking water more enjoyable, refreshing and delicious. Imagine a “spa moment” as you sip on this refreshing drink.
1 lemon or orange, sliced thinly
1/2 cucumber, peeled and sliced thinly
8-10 sprigs fresh mint, crushed slightly
4-5 sprigs fresh rosemary, crushed slightly
2 to 2-1/2 quarts drinking water
• Combine all ingredients in a pitcher.
• Chill for at least 2 hours; add ice cubes just before serving.
• Variation: Part or all of the water may be substituted with sparkling water or iced tea for pizzazz.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Makes about 8 to 10 one-cup servings
Adapted by Cristen Harris from www.InfusedWaters.com