12 Ways to Plan a Wellness Cruise

June 18, 2024 at 10:53 a.m.
Trudy Windelin is an acupuncturist and avid traveler who loves sharing her experiences, along with tips on travel and wellness.
Trudy Windelin is an acupuncturist and avid traveler who loves sharing her experiences, along with tips on travel and wellness.

...by Trudy Wendelin

Locally based acupuncturist, Trudy Wendelin, provides suggestions on how to make almost any cruise into a wellness cruise. "You don't have to spend a fortune on these high-end wellness cruises. Most of the cruise lines have all guests need: a spa, gym, healthy food options, sunsets, travel, and fresh air galore... You can even lose weight and benefit your health on a cruise." She shares 12 ways on how to make your next cruise into a wellness cruise.

Photo courtesy of Trudy Wendelin 

Many people associate a cruise with overindulging on food and drinks or getting sea sickness. However, cruising is a getaway that's unique to the individual.

As a Spa Acupuncturist on cruise ships, many of my patients actually experience a cruise that cultivates health and wellness. Read on to discover what it means to take a wellness cruise and 12 ways to make it happen.

12 Ways to Plan a Wellness Cruise

After working on cruise ships in the spa for years treating hundreds of patients, I know a thing or two about designing a wellness cruise. Here are 12 ways to plan some wellness in your cruise.

1. Travel is Therapeutic

There are numerous reasons that cruising can be beneficial for your health. The very essence of travel is healing. It takes us out of our daily routine, relieves stress and stimulates creativity. Even more, a cruise offers all you need to jumpstart your health being on the ocean with a gym, spa, yoga classes and world class destinations.

2. Ocean Therapy

One of the easiest ways to reset mental and physical well-being is to spend some time near the ocean. One of the reasons it makes us feel so good from that refreshing breeze is the motion of the ocean.

Moving water, such as, waterfalls, rivers and ocean waves create negative ions. These ions produce biochemical reactions in the body, increasing levels of serotonin to activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS). This boosts our mood and alleviates stress and depression. Even more, being at sea offers inspiring views of sunrise and sunset on clear days.

3. Create Your Own Spa Experience

The spas on cruise ships are not free, but they are worth the investment for your health and well-being. For reduced prices, check out spa specials and appointments on port days.

Most cruise ships offer a spa for acupuncture, massages, body scrubs, facials and medispa. These holistic therapies do wonders for pain, stress and well-being. Alongside the spa usually is a salon for hair and nails. You have the freedom to choose from the menu and design your own personal health and beauty plan that best suits you.

The spas also include different saunas. Most have whirlpools and dry 

saunas for free. Some even offer more private sauna experiences for a fee.

4. Go to a World Class Gym

Adjacent to the spa is typically a world class gym at the front of the ship with wonderful ocean views. Here, is a great place to jumpstart your health. The gym is free offering weights, stationary or spinning bikes, rowing and StairMaster machines. There’s no excuse because the gym is usually open from 6 am to 9 pm and it’s free.

5. Take Fitness Classes

If interested, be sure to check out the gym’s fitness class schedule. There are a variety of classes from which to choose: yoga, pilates, meditation, spinning and general fitness. Certified Fitness Trainers and music motivate to get you going.

6. Get a Personal Trainer

If you are needing help or motivation to start your fitness regime, consider getting a personal trainer. In the gym, fitness instructors run the gym, classes and personal training. They come to the ship with their own impressive resumes in fitness and personal training.

7. Attend a Health Seminar or Consultation

Cruise ships offer many health seminars, especially from the staff experts in the spa or gym. Normally, these are free and often you can even get a free consultation. For example, common health topics include acupuncture, reflexology, herbal medicine, facial rejuvenation or weight loss and detox. While the seminars are more general, usually they offer a free consultation for more personal questions.

8. Take Stairs Instead of Elevators

Cruise ships come in all sizes and usually have steps between floors. This is not only good for exercise, but a great way to minimize getting any contagious bugs on the elevators.

9. Walk the Outside Deck

Most cruise ships offer an outdoor walking deck that goes around the perimeter of the ship. For example, on a midsize ship, 3 laps are equal to a mile. This is a great way to get exercise and fresh air.

10. Healthy Meal Planning

Let’s talk food. Cruise ships are known for having extravagant buffets and dinner parties causing guests to gain weight. However, it does not need to be this way. There are numerous options to choose, including healthy ones. Each ship is different, but most have a salad bar and dairy, sugar or gluten-free options.

Some ships even offer stir-fry dishes that you choose your ingredients. In the dining room, you can select your meal plan from the menu and give your special requests to the waiter.

Photo courtesy of Trudy Wendelin



11. Port Day Excursions for Exercise

Most cruises include days off the ship to explore the ports. This can be a wonderful opportunity to be active and exercise. Ships offer tours to choose from or you can go on your own. Instead of a bus tour, consider taking a walking tour. Sometimes, ships offer more strenuous adventures that involve hiking, biking or swimming. Once again, you choose your activity level.

12. Get the Best Sleep of Your Life

Now, there is no guarantee that you will sleep like a baby on a ship. However, many people report, including myself, that they sleep better on ships than land. I believe it’s something to do with the ship movement, rocking you to sleep like a baby. Although, ear plugs can come in handy at times on the ship when sleeping.

Sea Sickness Tips

Motion sickness is an issue for some people, especially when the seas are rough. If you are feeling a bit queasy, go out on the deck for some fresh air and look at the horizon. Also, ginger tablets alleviate nausea and balance digestion.

Acupuncture for sea sickness is popular among cruise ship passengers. A bonus is the treatment includes a holistic tune-up for the body, mind and spirit. If having significant symptoms, keep in mind that the seasick drugs usually make people drowsy.

Other people wear the sea bands around the wrist that press the inner acupuncture point, Pericardium 6 or “Inner Gate.” On the inner wrist, this is located in the center between the tendons, about 2 thumb widths distal from the wrist crease. You can also apply acupressure to this point for relief.

Healthy Travels at Sea

Cruising to wellness can be a transforming experience. These 12 ideas help to navigate more wellness into a vacation. There are endless ways to make a cruise a healthier travel experience. You have the freedom to choose for your own well-being.

Trudy Wendelin, AEMP is a licensed Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine Practitioner in the state of Washington. Her professional experience as a spa acupuncturist on cruise ships inspired her award-winning travel and wellness blog https://TrueWindHealingTravel.com. 

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