Where in Washington

WIN $100!
July 1, 2024 at 12:00 a.m.
Do you know where this photo was taken?
Do you know where this photo was taken?

If you know where in Washington this photo was taken, you may win $100!

NOTE: Some readers thought the last contest was too easy, and so this month we offer a photo that may prove a bit more difficult...

...but don't worry, the hints below should allow you to send the correct answer.

HINT I: This scenic lake is within one of Washington's National Parks and features a historic lodge.

HINT II: The lodge opened in 1915 as a small hotel and cabins. It was called Singer's Tavern

HINT III: President Franklin D. Roosevelt stayed at the lodge while researching Congress' proposal to establish Olympic National Park. 

HINT IV:  It is NOT Lake Quinault Lodge. 

HINT V: Name either the lake or the lodge, which is located in Olympic National Park.

The winner will be drawn at random from the correct answers sent to editor@northwestprimetime.com by July 27, 2024. If no correct answer is received, the $100 prize will transfer to the following contest.

NOTE: You must sign up for Northwest Prime Time's free monthly newsletter to participate in the contest. To sign up, simply email editor@northwestprimetime.com with "subscribe" in the subject line. You can enter the contest in the same email, if you like.


Patricia of Shoreline was the winner of the June contest, which featured a photo of Hotel De Haro. Patricia said, "I've visited Hotel De Haro twice and took photos of the exterior, so I easily knew the answer!" 

Patricia of Shoreline is the winner of the June contest, which featured Hotel de Haro 

Hotel de Haro is part of San Juan Island's Roche Harbor Resort. This historic hotel was built in 1886 as part of a company that sprung up around the largest deposit of lime in the Northwest. Distinguished guests have included President Theodore Roosevelt. 

Watch a short video about Hotel de Haro at the following link, courtesy of TVW and Ralph Munro's "My Favorite Places" segments: My Favorite Places: Hotel de Haro - TVW 

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