Property Tax Burden by State

February 21, 2024 at 9:45 a.m.

WalletHub, a personal finance company, recently released a study showing property tax burdens by state.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American household spends $2,869 on property taxes for their homes each year. Some states also have vehicle property taxes.

Property taxes also affect the 35% of people who rent their homes, as the cost will be indirectly felt in the monthly rent.

Which states have the largest property tax load, and where does Washington land? WalletHub analyzed all 50 states plus the District of Columbia to answer these questions.

"Some states charge no property taxes at all, while others charge an arm and a leg," says Cassandra Happe, WalletHub Analyst. "Americans who are considering moving and want to maximize the amount of money they take home should take into account property tax rates, in addition to other financial factors like overall cost of living, when deciding on a city."

Washington came in at 28th on WalletHub's list in terms of state property tax burden, with an "effective real estate" tax of .88% but ranks tops in state vehicle tax since it doesn't have one, according to the study.

While WalletHub shows the national average for property taxes as $2,869, Washington came in with $4,158 per year.

Hawaii ranked #1 on the WalletHub list in terms of having lowest property tax burden percentage with 27%, although median home values are much higher than average in Hawaii so overall costs are high. New Jersey came in at 51 with a 2.33% effective real estate tax, according to the study. While Hawaii beat out Alabama in terms of the effective real estate tax rate, its overall taxes show as the lowest on the list ($701 per year for a median valued home).

To view the full lists and maps from this study, visit

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