December 31, 2024 at 11:31 a.m.
If you know where in Washington this photo was taken, you may win $100!
Hints and instructions on how to enter:
HINT I: This beach has been reported to be the location of the Seattle-area's first Polar Bear Plunge -- that annual event for the nutty out there who jump into the water on January 1st!
HINT II: On days other than January 1, this beach is known as Seattle's largest fresh-water bathing beach.
HINT III: According to Seattle Parks' website: "In the 1940s, the area south of the main beach was the site of Pan American World Airways' offices, and the dock for Pan American's Clipper Ships - the world's first amphibious commercial air transports over the ocean."
HINT IV: I don't blame you if these clues still haven't provided the answer to the contest, but doing a quick Internet search using the information in the clues should offer up the correct answer.
HINT V: Please submit the name of the beach park pictured in the photo.
HOW TO ENTER: The winner will be drawn at random from the correct answers sent to editor@northwestprimetime.com by January 29, 2025. If no correct answer is received, the $100 prize will transfer to the following contest.
CONTEST RULES: You must sign up for Northwest Prime Time's free monthly newsletter to participate in the contest. To sign up, simply email editor@northwestprimetime.com with "subscribe" in the subject line. You are also welcome to enter the contest even if you haven't yet signed up... Anyone entering the contest will be automatically added to our subscription list to receive the monthly newsletter.
The newsletter alerts readers to new posts on the homepage over the past month. Remember, you can always check out posts on our website anytime by visiting www.NorthwestPrimeTime.com. The site features additional posts not listed in the newsletter, such as "The Funnies," daily crossword puzzles, Featured Outing, and our Calendar of Events.
Congratulations to the winner of last month's contest: John of Whidbey Island. He correctly guessed McCaw Hall. The full answer to last month's contest is Marion Oliver McCaw Hall at the Seattle Center, home to Seattle Opera and Pacific Northwest Ballet.
Photo courtesy of www.mccawhall.com
It was probably the time of year, what with Christmas and other holiday festivities, but we received far fewer correct answers than usual to last month's contest. The odds of winning for each person who entered last month was 1 in 11 ! Chances are, the current WHERE IN WASHINGTON will have WAY, WAY more submissions, but our contest probably offers much better odds of winning than just about any other cash prize contests out there. So go ahead.... ENTER! (See Contest Rules above)