Let’s face it, regardless of our stage in life, our to-do lists can feel draining and never-ending. My wise friend Beth shared this handy tool which has transformed my approach. Instead of focusing on your “to-do’s,” focus on your “ta-dah’s!” While I still have a myriad of items on my to-do list, on particularly daunting days I also jot down my “ta-dah’s” – things I accomplished. It sounds small, but its impact is huge.
I used the concept while I was working, but in retirement it has become particularly helpful. Without outside structure, I can struggle to organize my days and discern my priorities. The ta-dah’s are not especially significant in and of themselves – this morning, for instance, my first ta-dah was scrubbing the dish drainer in soapy water – but their collective impact is huge. By the end of the day, what seems like a day “wasted” has actually been a mountain of tasks and decisions I can feel proud of. Ta-dah!
Ta-dah! Puzzle complete!
Sweeping out the entrance to our home – ta-dah! Eating a nutritionally amped-up breakfast with ground flaxseed, oatmeal, fruit and yogurt – ta-dah! Getting in some movement with the prompt of the “7” app (7 minutes of exercise each morning), our daily walk in the woods, returning a phone call I’ve been putting off, getting a card in the mail to support a friend – all these chores get converted to a “ta-dah!” with a spike of energy I never experienced from just crossing them off a to-do list.
My to-do lists never end and continue to arise from the backs of envelopes and notes on my phone … but they don’t weigh me down as much anymore. Pretty soon, I’m counting my “ta-dah’s!” instead, feeling lighter and more successful.
Article finished. Ta-dah! Time for a cup of tea!
Wendy Pender is a retired librarian with a special interest in aging inspired by her mother, who lived to 103.