WIN $100!
October 31, 2023 at 12:00 a.m.
If you know where this photo was snapped, you may win $100!
If you know where this photo was snapped, you may win $100!


Do you know where in Washington this photo was taken? If so, you may win $100! 

HINT I: This star of this series of craggy peaks is Liberty Bell, which can be seen from one of the highest passes in Washington State (at 5,477 feet).

HINT II: The pass typically closes sometime in November or December due to avalanche danger and stays closed typically until early May.

QUESTION: What is the name of the pass and/or the scenic highway that this vista can be found?

The winner will be drawn at random from the correct answers sent to editor@northwestprimetime.com by November 27, 2023. If no correct answer is received, the $100 prize will transfer to the following contest.

NOTE: You must sign up for Northwest Prime Time's free monthly newsletter to participate in the contest. To sign up, simply email editor@northwestprimetime.com with "subscribe" in the subject line.


Sara of Gig Harbor was the winner of last month’s contest, which featured the Codger Pole in Colfax.

Photos courtesy RoadsideAmerica.com 

The Codger Pole is a 65-foot-tall chainsaw sculpture is made up of five cedar poles with the faces of 51 football players carved into them. The pole was created to commemorate two high school football games played 50 years apart by the same players: the first in 1938 and the second in 1988. Read a colorful overview of the football games and the pole in an article from Spokane Historical, a project of the Public History program at Eastern Washington University – click this link: Spokane Historical Codger Pole. 

I think this story has the makings of a Hollywood movie!

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