April 1, 2023 at 12:00 a.m.
Can you identify the location of this image? If so, you may win $100!
HINT: Previous contests highlighted parks in each of the four corners of our Evergreen State. This photo features a park near the state’s center. The pinnacles pictured overlook a major river valley dotted with orchards. People come for rock climbing, but the park also offers a pleasant place to stretch your legs or watch the climbers from the picnic area.
HINT II: Those “pinnacles” provide a big clue as to the name of this Washington State Park.
The winner will be drawn at random from the correct answers sent to editor@northwestprimetime.com by April 27, 2023. If no correct answer is received, the $100 prize will transfer to the following contest.
You must sign up for Northwest Prime Time's monthly newsletter in order to participate in this contest. To sign up, simply email editor@northwestprimetime.com with "newsletter" in the subject line.
Congratulations to Tek of Kent, winner of the last contest. The photo showed Reed Island State Park.

Reed Island State Park can be found in the southwest corner of the state, one of many islands in the Columbia River. The park is accessible only by water; many paddle to it by canoe or kayak. Reed Island State Park offers campsites but no facilities – a very rustic experience despite its proximity to cities and a very famous landmark. The park is not far from Vancouver. It faces Steigerwald National Wildlife Refuge and to the southeast, visitors can look up to Columbia River Gorge’s Vista House, a favorite destination on the Oregon side.

Please send you answers by Monday, April 24 to editor@northwestprimetime.com