Is a Vaccine to Prevent Dementia Possible?
December 26, 2022 at 11:46 a.m.
An article published this month in Best Life by Lauren Gray looked at the link between vaccines and dementia.
For something you can do right away, studies show that receiving routine vaccines as an adult is associated with a lower dementia risk.
And now researchers are beginning to examine vaccine candidates that could specifically target dementia. Many of the new studies are using antibodies to help fight deposits of proteins in the brain associated with dementia: amyloid and tau. Several vaccines candidates have entered clinical trials. One such candidate developed by the pharmaceutical company Vaxxinity received fast track designation from the FDA.
Despite the focus on vaccines, some experts remain skeptical about this approach.
While researchers continue to study different pathways to treat or prevent dementia, here is what you can do right now (in addition to staying current with vaccines): Lifestyle choices can likely prevent or delay the onset of dementia. Lifestyle choices include a healthy diet such as the MIND-DASH diet, getting regular exercise, treating underlying conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, hearing loss, depression, limiting your alcohol intake and quitting (or never starting) smoking. Other positive lifestyle choices include learning new things that challenge your mind, maintaining social connections, and engaging in hobbies and other enjoyable activities.