...by Pat D'Amico
I was doing my regular grocery shopping at QFC when I noticed the Pupperoni, that my little dog loved, was $19 a package. Curiosity became an imponderable after I pointed this out to associates at three locations and the price did not go down.
My response? I utilized my penchant for light verse.
I had been selling light verses to the Wall Street Journal for their Pepper & Salt feature since 1986. In 2000, the verses were discontinued. My rhyme engine was still running with no place to go so I wrote a poem and sent it to the QFC corporate office:
At the risk of becoming labeled some kind of a nit-picking nut
And before my question is tabled, I will ask just once more what is what?
Your stores are all upscale and tony right down to the pet food section
So check out the Pupperoni and the price of your only selection.
Then send out the big cheese herself to the markets to shop around.
Before I think something is phony and shop somewhere slightly more drab,