This Week's Top 5 Stories

August 7, 2023 at 2:02 p.m.

Here are the top five most viewed stories on Northwest Prime Time's website for the first week of August 2023:

1. WHERE IN WASHINGTON? - our monthly contest, where participants can win $100 - came out on top this past week.

2. Margaret Larson's most recent column muses on the role that music can play in your aging journey. "Good Music, Getting Older, Getting Better" snagged the second spot on our most viewed stories list.

3. Senior Women Go ‘Over the Edge’ showcases the 70- and 80-something year-old women who plan to rappel down a 10-story building to raise funds for low-income senior housing. This came in at number three. 

4. Debbie Stone's travel article about visiting Walla Wall was the fourth most-viewed article this past week: Much to love about Walla Walla

5. Did you catch the story about Mother Joseph, the Northwest Territories' first architect who helped build hospitals and schools in the region? It rounded out the top five most-viewed articles of the week. Here is the link: Mother Joseph and Sisters of Providence Open First Seattle Hospital on August 2, 1878. 

That's it for next week. 
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