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Everything is changed for the Queen of Mean when she finds...the freckle!

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“She so mean, she so mean, Bernadine.” “2-4-6-8, who do we really hate? Bern-a-dine, BERNADINE.” …a note in Bernadine’s locker said, “I’ll get you.” That afternoon, after school, there they were. Brigit and her friends…standing across Bernadine’s path. “You’re mean,” said Brigit and landed a thump on Bernadine’s stomach. The girls walked on, laughing. The Queen of Mean had been born and named. The Queen of Mean, Bernadine. No one actually called her this anymore, but Bernadine would not have been displeased with the label. She might have had it engraved on a brass plaque for her counter, considered it a promotion to be attained if she had ever thought of it. Instead, she just worked toward a general goal that could have been summed up as "Queen of Mean."