Beyond the basics: Approaching large debts in an intelligent and resourceful manner.

December 5, 2011 at 8:38 a.m.

Budgeting and cost-savings: Bundling holiday gifts for the family

Cost-saving holiday gift bundles make gift giving meaningful, memorable and fun! Bring the entire family closer together using these gift bundling ideas.

Going Green: 5 Things You Can Do to Save Money and Be Energy Efficient

Get energized to go green, become more energy efficient, and save money.


When to reduce your stock and bond market exposure

A foreboding and rapidly approaching day of reckoning hangs over our once great nation, as our leaders from both political parties continue a decades-long pattern of ostrich-like averting of their eyes to engage in self-serving actions that invariably fail to address the numerous unsustainable problems that have befallen us. As …

What U.S. monetary and fiscal policy means for your personal budget

The monetary and fiscal policies of the U.S. Federal Government today have an impact on every citizen's personal budget. While this unnerving fact is in disharmony with the clear intentions of our founding fathers for a limited central government for our republic, this harsh reality has become undeniable.

Get savings savvy: Tips and tricks for couponing in the Internet era

Couponing is cool again! Learn about the 4 kinds of coupons, and how to optimize your savings when couponing.

How to reevaluate your budget now that the kids are gone

Learn how to reevaluate your budget after the kids move out, and live the life you've always wanted!

Seven little-known tax write-offs

Death and taxes are the only certainties in life. The good thing is that with taxes, at least, you can use deductions to legally lower the amount that you are required to pay. Here are seven little known tax deductions that can help you reduce your tax bill.

How to set up a custodial account for your grandchild

Learn how to give your grandchildren money for their future, and ensure they don't blow it on frivolous items.

Consider increasing your charitable giving to offset rising taxes

Learn how charitable giving can help you come tax time.

Can I ever stop paying taxes?

The U.S. Federal tax code is a gigantic document consisting of 72,536 pages, more or less. That's about 150 reams of paper, which, if you stacked them up, would reach 35 feet into the air. Can anyone understand our entire tax code? Doubtful. So it's fair to ask, "Under what …

The revolving door: Handling the financial burden of a returning child

What happens when your empty nest is invaded by adult children that have returned to the roost?

Pros and cons of reverse mortgages

You may have seen ads touting reverse mortgages as the solution for cash-strapped retirees. The mortgage is structured such that homeowners have their home pay them monthly payments until they die or sell the house. These slick ads promise an easy transaction with no danger of ever being kicked out …

Managing inflation-sensitive expenses on a fixed income

How can I avoid the impact of inflation if I'm on fixed income?
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