Most people in Washington have probably seen an Asahel Curtis photograph, whether or not they recognized it as his work

August 15, 2022 at 9:29 p.m.

Look Who's Turning 50

Celebrating 50 years of the National Marine Sanctuary System

Things to do in Seattle this August

Hamilton returns. Art of the African diaspora shines. Outdoor dance and music performances abound.


Ice on a stick for these hot days

Ice pops can be a great, low-calorie treat, since it usually takes longer to eat them than it takes to drink the same volume of sugary soda.

Hot Weather: How to stay cool and safe

People who have serious health problems like heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure must be extra careful in hot weather

The Dogs in My Life

I have two neighbors who supply me with “dog fixes” from time to time

Mt Si at Midnight

My best friend, Miggs, loved to climb and coaxed me up anything that was a hill if she could catch me in an unguarded moment. I hated a stiff climb, as even in those long-ago days I was plagued by shortness of breath. She could talk me into the effort …

June Strawberries

Summer means berries. And June means strawberries. Now's the time to find them fresh in farmers markets or home gardens.

Poppies Still a Way to Honor Veterans

Here I was, now in my 70s and I had forgotten how to say thanks to an old soldier

Was Never a Flower Child

"Although I was never a flower child... sometimes, now in my senior years..."

100-Year-Old Breaks Guinness World Record

Back in 1938, Walter Orthmann of Brazil wanted to help his financially strapped family

My Old Dog

One of the many remarkable stories in the book is about Remy, a 9-year-old pit bull adopted by three senior nuns


The Seattle Humane Society is launching a new pilot program that helps employers create dog-friendly workplaces


I don’t know how many more good dogs the Lord is going to grant me


Mysterious owl eyes lost in a black mop of drenched fur greeted me.