What is This Week's News Alert?

January 14, 2024 at 1:28 p.m.

...by Michelle Roedell, Editor, Northwest Prime Time

This week's Northwest Prime Time News Alert may not be very exciting for readers, but it is vital to Northwest Prime Time.

The editor is having computer trouble.

The bottom line: no newsletter went out at the beginning of January. But subscribers to Northwest Prime Time's free monthly newsletter can still enter our "WHERE IN WASHINGTON" contest for the chance to win $100.


The function of the newsletter is to alert readers to new content that has been posted on our homepage since the previous month. Rest assured that readers can still access those articles simply by visiting 
www.NorthwestPrimeTime.com and scrolling down through the different categories (Local, Health & Wellness, 50+ News, Travel, Featured Columns, Sharing Stories, Home-Garden-Senior Living).

The short saga of the editor's latest computer troubles is of little interest to anyone, but it gives me a chance to vent.

Here goes my sad saga of computer troubles while working on deadline:

I noticed my computer was having problems charging and staying charged...I forged ahead hoping to get through the busy end-of-the-month deadline. "I don't have time to go to the computer repair place!" I exclaimed.

Somehow I limped through December's postings in anticipation of the January 1 deadline. First I limped along with my existing computer, babying it along by boosting up the charging chord just so, crossing my fingers.... "Just get me through the end of the month."


It was not meant to be and the old computer finally gave up the ghost with only days to go, so I continued limping along on a borrowed computer. That computer wasn't set up with all the programs needed to complete my tasks and so everything took about twice as long as usual.


Despite all that, the new posts were completed through late nights and a lot of hair-pulling. Everything was done EXCEPT the monthly newsletter. The borrowed computer didn't have the proper software to get it done.

Time to head to the computer repair store, RE-PC where my techy nephew used to work and where they've always treated me well.  A quick look at my trusty piece of equipment and they declared it officially kaput. While it was no use attempting a repair, they offered a reconditioned computer that would accept my old hard drive and funciton just like new. Very reasonably priced, it came with a warranty, and would be ready in a couple of hours. Sold.


It is working well EXCEPT there is a big glitch in the system making it impossible to create and send the newsletter despite my best efforts. No January newsletter will be forthcoming and a new trip to RE-PC is in order.

In the meantime, please feel free to visit 
www.NorthwestPrimeTime.com and scroll through the stories posted there. A special invitation to newsletter subscribers: feel free to enter the contest... as of this writing, we've received very few correct answers and so your chance of winning $100 offers excellent odds! Click this link: WHERE IN WASHINGTON

P.S. If you are not a subscriber but would like to receive our free monthly newsletter and enter our contest, please email editor@northwestprimetime.com with "Subscribe" in the subject line. 

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