Menopausal Symptoms and Treatment Options

August 7, 2014 at 12:00 a.m.
Menopausal symptoms
Menopausal symptoms

The symptoms of menopause vary widely from woman to women, with some experiencing little to no adverse effects and others suffering through great discomfort. While menopausal systems will eventually go away on their own, there's no need to tough it out until they do. Many menopause symptoms are easily treated with lifestyle changes, natural remedies or medication.

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Like the name implies, hot flashes are an intense feeling of heat that often come on quickly and can even occur in air conditioned room. They are most frustrating when they occur at night, as they can disrupt a woman's sleep schedule. Lifestyle changes are one of the best ways to alleviate hot flashes. Avoid consuming spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol which can exacerbate the problem. Women who are still menstruating can take a low-dose birth control pill to alleviate severe systems while post-menopausal women may consider hormone replacement therapy.

Decreased Vaginal Moisture

As a woman's body produces less estrogen, the amount of moisture in the vaginal area also decreases. This dryness can lead to discomfort, especially during intercourse. Women have two options for treating this menopausal symptom. For immediate relief, a water-based vaginal lubricant is the best option. These over-the-counter products are readily available at most drug stores. For slightly longer results, women may opt for a vaginal moisture replacement option which moisturizes the vaginal area for up to three days.


Many women experience extreme moodiness while going through menopause. However, most mood swings are the result of the discomfort caused by other symptoms, such as a lack of sleep and hot flashes. If you feel that your moodiness is extreme, or it impacts your daily life or relationships with others, visit a physician. Hormone replacement therapy can help alleviate moodiness in most women.


Memory loss is a common complaint among menopausal women. However it is not caused by menopause. Again, the stress of other symptoms of daily life may exacerbate memory problems which women mistakenly attribute to menopause. Women should not take hormone replacement therapy to remedy memory issues but should visit a physician who can determine if other heath issues exist.

Sleep Issues

Problems sleeping are one of the most common menopausal complaints. Yet, sleeplessness also contributes to many of the other symptoms. If hot flashes and night sweats are the cause of sleep disturbances, visit your physician to start treatment. Otherwise, women should stay physically active during the day, avoid taking naps and keep their bedrooms cool, dark and quiet.

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