What You Eat Can Slow Aging

February 28, 2023 at 4:45 p.m.

An article in Eat This, Not That! by Samantha Boesch explored what science has to say about eating habits that can slow aging.

Fiber. Boesch begins the article by declaring that getting enough fiber is crucial to your overall health. Fiber not only aids your digestion and improves gut health (which is strongly connected to your immune system), but fiber is also linked to heart-health. She points to studies that demonstrate high fiber consumption may help lower total cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and lower risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease. ”It's important to start finding fiber-heavy foods you like, for the sake of your heart,” she writes. “And since your chances of things like heart attack, heart disease, stroke, and heart failure increase with age, you may want to start as soon as today.”

The Mediterranean Diet. You’ve likely heard it before, and studies continue to demonstrate the benefits of a Mediterranean diet. This eating lifestyle incorporates foods like vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes and healthy fats like olives and olive oil. While fish is included on the diet, the mostly plant-based diet, which limits the consumption of processed food and added sugars, has been shown to slow the aging process in ongoing studies. Advances in Nutrition Journal outlined the relationship between diet and dementia and report that the Mediterranean diet also slowed cognitive decline. The study points to elements of this diet lifestyle like antioxidants and mono-unsaturated fatty acids as benefitting the aging brain. “The patterns of this diet are said to help lower inflammation and oxidative stress, which are major contributing factors in dementia and cognitive decline, too,” writes. Boesch.

Reducing Inflammation. Science says that inflammation is a major culprit in speeding up the aging process, reports Boesch. “According to a meta-analysis, chronic low-grade inflammation may be a factor in many, ‘if not all,’ of the chronic illnesses and diseases that commonly occur with old age.” Omega-3 fatty acids are an important element in reducing inflammation, she adds. Whole grains, fiber, fruits and veggies are also helpful elements in an anti-inflammation diet. Some supplements like turmeric and ginger are said to lower inflammation. Consider sipping green tea throughout the morning. Avoid added sugars and processed foods!

Well-balanced is the key. Don’t try to focus on specific nutrients, advises Boesch. Instead, eat a well-balanced diet with a range of food like whole grains, lentils, nuts, vegetables, fruits. Supplements may be a part of your health regime, but the well-balanced approach is best.

A healthy diet impacts your aging skin more than skincare products. The vitamins, nutrients and minerals you consume in your diet will slow the process that ages your skin. Boesch points to adequate hydration, foods that contain vitamins B and C, along with protein as containing the right stuff for healthy skin. Of course, not smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and avoiding added sugars and a high-fat diet are part of the puzzle. And don’t forget protection from the sun when it comes to slowing the aging process.

To read the full article that includes links to scientific studies along with many helpful tips about specific foods to add to your diet, follow this link: https://www.eatthis.com/eating-habits-slow-aging-evidence/ 

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