Eric Nelson

Eric Nelson


The last time I had the flu was 17 years ago

How this writer sought a spiritual solution and has been free from the flu ever since.

Hospital chief says humility key to better health care

“None of us in science and medicine have the answers we tell you we have,” said Betsy Nabel, president of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a professor at Harvard Medical School. “Despite all of our knowledge, we humans are desperately in the dark about how most things work.”

A spiritual approach to dealing with adverse drug reactions

Are alternative health approaches one answer to adverse drug reactions(ADR) in America?

Can we be scared into being healthier?

Remember the scary messages to stay away from drugs and smoking? Were they effective? Yes and no. Yet, "fear is not a sustainable motivator" notes Dr. Dean Ornish. What does seem to work is seeing immediate results from behavioral changes.

It is not what we say but what we see that heals

Let’s challenge conventional notions that people with #Alzheimer’s are ‘unreachable.’ Seeing others as whole, needed and complete can have a healing effect!

The universal desire for universal health

Seeking a more divinely inspired perspective on life – one that recognizes Spirit or God and not matter as the true essence of our being – is the ideal prescription for gaining and maintaining sound minds and bodies.

Confronting the terror of failing health

Whether we’re standing up to a terrorist’s threat on the streets of Paris or refusing to accept as final a prognosis of declining health, we can set the mental wheels in motion – and do a world of good – by affirming, with confidence, we are NOT AFRAID!

New Year’s revelation: Father Time is a liar

Despite today's media emphasis on youth and many erroneous assumptions about age, I feel life is getting better not worse! Writer Eric Nelson agrees and brings out some good points in the following article.

Do brain training games make good Christmas gifts?

Dr. Laura Carstensen, director of Stanford University’s Center on Longevity, notes that there is zero evidence that brain training games can stave off Alzheimer's disease. Yet, there is anecdotal evidence that increased spirituality can reverse such a diagnosis.

LSD and Ecstasy v. prayer: spiritual treatment for mental illness

It’s argued that psychedelic drugs are a great way to reconnect the mentally distressed with their inner self – their spiritual self. Yet, long before psychedelics had been discovered, religious reformer Mary Baker Eddy found that a wholly prayer-based approach to treating mental illness worked best.

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