Some people say that life begins at 40, but anyone who's ever been through it knows that things don't really kick into gear until after retirement. This is the time of life when you're finally free to pursue your interests with a freedom you've never had before, and to discover new passions. The following 10 annual art and music festivals are a great place to begin that discovery.

December 2, 2011 at 11:19 a.m.


The Broadway bucket list: Must-see theater and stage classics

One of the great things about reaching retirement age--or nearing it--is that you're finally able to take advantage of things you never had time for in the past. Like taking in some theater. If the extent of your theater-going experience has been limited to grade-school productions starring your very own ...

Volunteering with your dog

Your dog lives the good life. He has his own bed, his own personal butler (you, of course), and a lifetime supply of massages. Everyone he meets adores him. But could he get more out of life? Your dog enriches your life so much, maybe he could also enrich the ...

The 7 best websites for fantasy football and online gaming

If you think that online gaming is just for kids, you're a lot older than you're letting on. The fact is, the Internet is no longer the turf of the young and underdeveloped--if it ever really was. And more and more people headed into http://epmgsenior.www.clients.ellingtoncms.com/admin/news/story/51002/#their sunset years are taking to ...

Why tracing your family tree could be a hobby that lasts generations

Tracing your family tree can be an exciting way to cement the bonds among your living family and pass a tradition through generations.

The beginning astronomer: Tips on how to buy a telescope and what to look for

If you've ever envisioned yourself as an amateur astronomer, there's never been a better time to make that dream come true. Modern technology has put into the hands of average folk the ability to find and study heavenly bodies in a way that would have turned Galileo green with envy--and ...

Where to meet and make friends after 65

Whatever your situation may be--a recent retirement, loss of a spouse or friend, or relocation to a senior living community or new city--you have found yourself looking for new friends. There are countless social and emotional benefits of friendship, and studies have even shown that fulfilling friendships can be as ...
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