Some companies are better than others at pivoting their strategies to overcome inflation or other cost-increasing concerns. The best companies can push cost increases out to the market quickly (think gas companies), allowing them to stay profitable even during cost volatility. Sometimes entire industries struggle to push prices up and have to balance new costs with old ones in an effort to stay profitable. It's important to find the reactive companies when it comes to investing - and here we explain why.

January 14, 2014 at 8:42 a.m.

Advancing to Level II: A Bulletproof Retirement

A truly balanced portfolio doesn't just ensure protection against any one investment going south - it also considers the day-to-day financial needs of the investor and their risk profile. The old adages we used to know about retirement no longer apply. Similarly, the vehicles that used to be safest now ...

Turn off the Tube, Tune out the Media, and Drop out of December Madness

We are often giving retirees information on the risks facing their portfolios from all sorts of angles. At this time of year, we take a moment to reflect on the things that retirees have to be thankful for - and there are many! Read about some of the instruments and ...


How to Judge Your Financial Advisor

Contrary to what many people think, your return on investment isn't the right way to judge your financial advisor. There are other key areas you need to consider before giving him or her a pat on the back or firing him or her on the spot. Find out what these ...

Taxes Don’t Matter… Until They Do

Since the latter part of 2008, the yield on cash has been so low that sheltering it from taxes didn't seem to matter. But if—as we expect—high rates of price inflation are waiting in the not-too-distant future, then sheltering interest income will be very important.

Should I choose whole life insurance or term life insurance?

Find out what the differences are between whole life insurance and term life insurance and learn which one is best for you.

4 costly health care bill mistakes

Errors in health care billing are common. Learn the 4 critical steps you should take to ensure you’re not being billed too much for your health services.

Are credit unions better than banks? Pros and cons for the discriminating retiree

Advantages of credit unions over banks include higher savings rates, lower loan rates and fewer fees, saving many dollars for retirees.

Estate planning tips

Everyone should understand estate planning basics and take action to protect their assets, however modest, and their beneficiaries.

Tips for seniors on how to avoid costly bank fees

Seniors can learn how to avoid bank fees by shopping and using their senior status to get charges waived, often by just asking for fee elimination.

Senior finance tips: The dos and don'ts of applying for credit online

Effective senior finance decisions can help people find good online loans. However, borrowers should learn the do's and don'ts of online loan applications.

How not to cause a dent in your finances this Valentine's Day

Perhaps the best and most inexpensive Valentine’s Day gift involves finding the right words, backing them up with action, and doing it day after day after day. These easy homemade gifts work.

Cutting your expenses and your risk of heart attack: 10 steps to heart health through smart financial decisions

Learn about some of the most effective ways of cutting costs, which can in turn save you from experiencing unhealthy stress over finances.

Money matters: What to expect in your 90s

People are living longer than ever. This is a good thing, but it comes with some challenges such as planning for a much longer retirement.

The financial benefits of joining the AARP

Have you been wondering about whether the AARP is worth the investment? We will break down the benefits here.