The Search for Longevity

February 1, 2019 at 12:00 a.m.

As a world-wide leader in aging research, the University of Washington has launched the Healthy Aging and Longevity Research Institute (HALo) to support new research initiatives and encourage collaboration by aging researchers. HALo aims to promote not just a long life but to extend ‘healthspan.’

“This paradigm-shifting approach, to focus on slowing the aging process and extending healthspan, could add another decade or two of healthy, productive life for most people,” states HALo’s website (

Geroscience, the biology of aging, looks at the relationship between aging and age-related diseases. It works to extend healthspan by tackling the root causes of aging rather than attempting to cure the individual diseases associated with aging…to slow down the aging process before damage from disease occurs.

Drug Therapies

Many promising studies are looking at FDA approved drugs already on the market that seem to target a variety of metabolic pathways associated with aging. Some of these “anti-aging” drugs are currently in clinical trials to increase healthspan:

• It has been discovered that meformin, a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes, may also influence the processes underlying age-related conditions.

• Rapamycin, used to fight cancer and to prevent rejection of transplanted organs, also seems to prolong healthy lifespan in clinical trials.

• Some researchers believe that senoltyic therapies are just a few years away from delaying or preventing aging altogether. Senoltyic compounds include quercetin, which is a flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables.

• Nitric oxide supplements improve blood flow and “the aging process is all about blood flow,” said research scientist Nathan Bryan. He believes that restoring nitric oxide levels is vital to healthy aging. Supplements to boost nitric oxide in your system are already on the market. However, there are side effects associated with it, so only take this supplement under a doctor’s supervision.

Rejuvenation Technology

With time, futuristic research that sounds like it is from a science fiction movie may become more fact than fiction:

• Research on stem cell therapy looks at replacing and repairing dead and damaged cells – even regrowing aging organs.

• In theory, gene therapy directly targets the causes of disease by turning on and off genes to combat aging.

• Nanotechnology works on the atomic level…one day, perhaps, nanorobots—incredibly small robots that work at the molecular level—may be released in your bloodstream to find and repair damage before you get sick.

Tried and True

It is true that the scientific community is offering ever more encouraging glimpses into slowing the hallmarks of aging. But whether or not breakthroughs in longevity science will someday offer a fountain of youth in a pill or a nanorobot, for now, your grandmother’s advice remains tried and true: In addition to the common sense goals of not smoking, limiting your alcohol intake and maintaining a healthy weight, dietary choices, exercise, social connectedness and being actively engaged in activities that are meaningful to you are your best bets for enjoying a long and healthy life.

Headlines in Healthy Aging

Best diet for healthy aging – A diet rich in vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats is increasingly being recognized as the healthiest for your brain and body. This diet is known as the Mediterranean or the similar MIND diet (which adds a focus on leafy greens, berries and beans/ legumes to support your memory). The diet aims to eliminate fried foods and unhealthy fats, processed foods and refined carbohydrates like sugar and white bread. Scientific analysis of this approach to diet was published in the March 2018 issue of the Journal of Gerontology. The study says that these diets provide a balance that helps with energy levels, fiber for digestion, and rich nutrition to support your tissues and bones.

Supplements to take for healthy aging: Supplemental B12 may be more important as you age. Keep up with your calcium intake, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Make sure to let your doctor know about any changes to your diet, supplements or medication regimen.

Walking reduces the risk of heart failure and boosts aging brains. Spring will soon be in the air, but why wait? Walking not only brightens your mood, it can save your life and is proven to improve your heart-health. A clinical trial showed that walking and other types of moderate exercise such as riding a stationary bike may also help turn back the clock on mental sharpness. The study focused on older adults with mild memory loss and found that six months of moderate exercise reversed some memory loss issues such as the ability to pay attention, get organized and achieve goals. Those that also made healthy diet changes, such as eating more fruits and vegetables, minimizing sugar and eliminating ‘junk’ food, showed bigger gains. Lead researcher, James Blumenthal of Duke University School of Medicine, said the effect was equivalent to shaving about nine years from the brain age of participants. “It’s never to late to start,” said Keith Fargo, director of scientific programs with the Alzheimer’s Association. The study was published in the journal Neurology on December 19, 2018.

How to Keep Exercising Despite Chronic Pain: Exercise can be difficult for those with chronic pain, but research shows exercise is crucial in the treatment of chronic pain. Stop and modify exercise that increases your baseline pain to ensure you don’t cause a flare up of pain. Try shorter exercise periods – even five minutes is better than nothing. Start slowly and with some deep breaths. Anything that gets you moving counts. Yoga and tai chi have proven successful for those in chronic pain.


my feet are cold

my forehead is hot

twinges in my back

happen all too often

one of my thumbs hurts

on and off

and one knee

likes to trick me out

pretending to collapse

my once thick hair

is cluttering up

my bathroom floor

hate traffic

though never minded it much


does it sound as if i am complaining


not really



i'm still here

--S. McCafferty

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