Don't get shortchanged: Salary negotiation tips

May 4, 2012 at 6:00 a.m.

With more and more seniors returning to the job market -- whether as a means of stockpiling additional money for a comfortable retirement or out of a desire to stay busy -- it's entirely possible you could be contemplating trading in your golf shorts for a pair of work slacks. But if it's been ages since you last had to interview for a job, you might be a bit rusty. Here's a quick primer offering a few salary negotiations techniques to ensure that when you go back to work, the price is right.

  1. Don't talk about money. If this sounds a bit like playing a game of "The 800 Pound Gorilla" you're not far off the mark. But one of the most effective salary negotiations techniques is to wait for the employer to make an offer. This prevents you from asking for too little when they'd have been willing to pay you much more, and it also puts you into a better position to negotiate for more if they decide they want you for the position.
  2. Emphasize your experience. When it comes to years in, there's no doubt you've got far more to offer than the average 22-year-old just applying for their first career position out of college. When talking to a prospective new boss about compensation for the job, make sure they know you've got experience up the wazoo and that you expect to be paid for that experience.
  3. Demonstrate your value. When it comes to learning how to negotiate salary pay you can be satisfied with, it's critical that you come to the table with more than just your experience and your willingness to work. Talk about your past accomplishments in terms of dollars saved for the companies you've worked for. This makes it a lot easier for your potential new boss to see how paying you more will translate to economic savings for the company.

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